Identify the following regions in the image above: Orbicularis oris - Depressor anguli oris - Mandible with teeth - Masseter - Medial pterygoid - Facial vein - Submandibular gland - Parotid gland - Retromandibular vein - Posterior auricular vein - Posterior digastricus - Internal jugular vein and Internal carotid artery - Genioglossus - Mylohyoid - Pharynx - Pharyngeal tonsils - Pharyngeal constrictor muscle - Sternocleidomastoid - Levator scapulae - Splenius cervicis - Trapezius - Splenius capitis - Semispinalis capitis - Semispinalis cervicis & multifidus - Intervertebral disk - Spinal cord

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