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Home Clinical Practice UpToDate expanded access

UpToDate expanded access

UpToDate icon  links to the University of Utah institutional access - log in with uNID.

UpToDate is now available both on and off campus.  Health practitioners are encouraged to register to gain continuing education (CME/CE/CPD ) credit and other benefits. However, users can skip registration and use UpToDate anonymously.

NOTE: continues to work from devices connected to the university network and  does not prompt for user registration.

NOTE to Mobile Users:  Download the App!!

UpToDate App instructions for enterprise license:
– Register by using the Register/Login button on the UpToDate main search page,
– Download the appropriate app (for iOS, Android, and Windows 8 devices.)
– Once your registration is confirmed you may now use those UpToDate credentials to login via your mobile device.
– Please note: 1) the enterprise app does require internet and 2) you will need to log into your UpToDate account once/month.