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Report on iPad usability

iPad 2According to the blog ReadWriteWeb, web usability expert Jakob Nielsen has published a report about how people are using iPads. This is a follow-up report to his first usability study of the iPad a year ago, and it provides details about strengths and problems with the device. Nielsen reports that both versions of the iPad work well with websites as long as any tasks users had to complete on a given website weren’t too complicate. For many apps, touchable areas are just too small and not easy to use, with some not even looking touchable. And when there are multiple items on the same screen that can be manipulated with swiping, there are ambiguity problems with it.

The Eccles Library has purchased a number of eReaders (iPads, nooks, Kindles) for patrons to learn about and experiment with, and will be made available to the public after our staff have been trained on them. Stay tuned…