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Podcasting THE Studio

Podcasting at the Tree of Hippocrates Studio


The Tree of Hippocrates Education Studio is retiring.

After 5 great years, The Tree of Hippocrates Education Studio is closing as of April 1, 2023. A major construction and renovation project will soon be underway at the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, and the anticipated noise and space needs will require a different use of the space other than a quiet studio.

For those who are interested in continuing their podcasting projects, the Library has a mobile podcasting kit available for checkout at the front desk. The kit contains a RODECaster Pro Recorder and two microphones and headphones. An additional kit will be made with the equipment currently in the studio. Contact the library to learn more.


Part of being an intern at the EHSL is that I get free reign to try out all of our equipment under the guise of academic inquiry. One of my initial tasks was to test out our podcasting equipment. My first step was obvious-I made a cat podcast. While not all librarians love cats, I completely adhere to this stereotype. I picked out the purrfect punny podcast name, and got started. Let me walk you though this surprisingly easy process.

Why Podcast?

Podcasting is a very flexible medium that can allow you to reach a broad audience, on a topic of your choice. Even better, podcast listeners can multitask while they listen to your words, so it’s easy to reach even a busy audience. If you can think about a topic-there’s probably someone who wants to listen to a podcast about it. The key is using successful marketing, and picking the right platform.

How to Record Your Podcast

The Tree of Hippocrates Studios has everything you need to create a podcast. You can record in the studio or you can borrow equipment from the library and record elsewhere. First, you’ll want to look at our template, and decide how you want to organize your podcast. You might want some guests to join you to discuss your topic. Although podcasts usually have a certain amount of spontaneity, it is good to have a rough outline to keep things on track. This can also allow you to plan for podcast length and announcements.

Next, you’ll want to select a program to record your podcast. THE studio has a Mac computer, two mics, and two podcast recording programs: Garage Band and Adobe Audition. I used Adobe Audition, but a good guide to podcasting in Garage Band can be found online. We also have a how-to guide that can help you through the process of creating a podcast. In order to record your podcast at the studio, simply request a time slot by visiting

Podcast Marketing & Platforms

Before you record your podcast, select a location online. If you are handy with creating websites (or know someone who is) then you might choose to make a website dedicated to your podcast. On your website, you can have links, a brief bio about podcast creators, and maybe a location where listeners can give you feedback or even donate money. You’ll also want to embed an RSS feed and maybe partner with a podcast platform like Stitcher or iTunes.

This time, I didn’t make a website. Instead I created a free Facebook account for my podcast. I recommend using a podcasting service, like Soundcloud, that will connect with other software and websites. Since Adobe Audition has a built-in feature that will upload your finished podcast to Soundcloud, I didn’t need to spend time downloading files between platforms. After you’ve recorded your podcast, you can perform some simple editing, and add music within the same program you used for recording. Next, upload your podcast to your platform of choice, either through a program like Adobe Audition and Soundcloud, or by saving the file and uploading it to another site.

Once my podcast was on Soundcloud, I was able to use a Soundcloud feature to link it to multiple social networking sites. Once your podcast is up, you can also post information directly to your social networking account and get followers to post feedback there as well. Followers can also easily share your podcast, which means free publicity for you!

Some programs, like Soundcloud, will even track the number of visitors for you, and allow you see new followers almost instantly. Within the first day I already had a bunch of new cat-lovin’ followers and a sense of validation about my favorite hobby! Remember, If you get stuck, EHSL staff can be on hand to help you.