Basal/squamous carcinoma
Dermatology Actinic Keratoses / Basal and Squamous Cancer Clinical Symptoms and Signs--Basal Cell Cancer

Lesion Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma
Incid. 75% of skin cancers 25% of skin cancers
Age Usually 40+ Usually 55+
Sex Male > Female Male 2 : Female 1
Causes Sunlight, arsenic, X-ray, trauma, burn scar Sunlight, radiation, arsenic, granuloma, etc.
Location Nodular - Head/Neck
Superficial - Trunk Morphea - Face
Dorsum of hand and forearm
Lesion Translucent - papule Telangict asias may have pigment in dark skin
Red - macule on plaque
Yellow-white - indunated maqule in plaque
1. Red, scaly papule. Indunated
2. On lip or genitals. It may be a fissure or small erosion that doesn't heal.
  Cosmetically objectionable.Ulcerates and bleeds Cosmetically objectionable. Papule and/or ulceration and bleeding
Rx < 1 cm 95% effective
<1 cm excision or radiation
Excision or radiation
Course ED&C 95% effective
Rare metastases about 17%
Low rate of metastases
(see additional handouts)