Epinephrine: dose comparisons in short vs long-acting
Dermatology Nitrous Oxide / Bites Bites--Bee & Wasp Stings

Epinephrine: dose comparisons in short vs long-acting

John L. Bezzant,M.D.

Standard epinephrine (1:1,000) is shown at the top, and the depo or crystalline form (Sus-Phrine 1:200) is shown at the bottom. Both should be injected into the subcutaneous fat. The dose of epinephrine 1:1,000 is 0.01 cc's per kg given every 15 minutes until the anaphylaxis or urticaria are under good control. The dose of Sus-Phrine is half of that (0.005 cc's per kg); Sus-Phrine is administered every 5 to 6 hours.