Biopsy-Summary of Procedures
Dermatology Procedures Overview (Essentials)


  1. When biopsying apparent inflammation or tumor of the fat. One should do an   excisional   biopsy.

  2. When biopsying apparent inflammation of the epidermis/dermis one should do a    full-thickness (punch or excisional)   biopsy.

  3. When removing a small, benign papule from the skin, a   shave   biopsy is preferable.

  4. When planning an elliptical excision, the long axis should be directed along the   related skin tension lines   of the skin.

  5. The correct angle for cutting with the scalpel is:
    a.  b. c.

  6. When closing a wound with suture, the wound should always be   evert   .

  7. Wound heal with better cosmetic results as a rule when an   occlusive    dressing is used.

  8. Sutures should be removed from the skin as follows:
    Face   3   to   5   days
    Trunk   6   to   7   days
    Hands/Feet   7   to   10(14)   days

  9. "Railroad Tracking" (suture marks) are more closely related to the constrictive tension of the sutures than the suture diameter.
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