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Nancy Lombardo

Nancy Lombardo

Librarian, Head of Digital Publishing
Fellow, Academy of Health Sciences Educators

Nancy Lombardo, MLS, is a Librarian at the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library (EHSL), University of Utah. Her work for the past decade and more has focused on digital publishing and collections. She has worked on a number of significant collaborative projects, partnering the EHSL with national societies and University departments. The EHSL digital publishing efforts cover a broad range, from historical, to graduate program scholarly output, to innovative efforts on the health sciences. However, a big priority has been to create curricula to support education and training of health professionals. Some examples of this work are the Neuro-ophthalmology Virtual Education Library (NOVEL: http://novel.utah.edu ) and the Moran Clinical Ophthalmology Resources in Education (Moran CORE: http://morancore.utah.edu ) and Utah Dermatology Education Resources and Modules (Utah DERM). In addition, she is engaged with the Inter-Professional Education program in the health sciences and serves on the Executive Board for the Academy of Health Sciences Educators (AHSE).

Nancy is the Project Director of the "Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library" (NOVEL.) This educational digital repository a collaboration between the Eccles Health Sciences Library and the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society.

Nancy is also the Project Director of the "Moran CORE" Clinical Ophthalmology Resources for Education. This educational digital repository a collaboration between the e-channel at Eccles Health Sciences Library and the Moran Eye Center at the University of Utah.

Nancy has worked in libraries since 1981. Her previous places of employment include the University of New Mexico, Dartmouth College, the Intermountain Region of the National Park Service, the Denver Public Library and the SLC Public Library.

She received her MLS from Emporia State University in 1994.

CV in PDF format

Nancy T. Lombardo, MLS
Head, Digital Publishing
University of Utah
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
10 N 1900 E
SLC, UT 84112-5890
PHONE: (801) 581-5241
FAX: (801) 581-3632
email Nancy Lombardo

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